USA Narrative History Volume 2 Since 1865 7th Edition By James West Davidson – Test Bank
Chapter 11
The Rise of Democracy 1824-1840
Multiple Choice Questions
- (p. 204-201)The chapter introduction tells the story of politicians Powhatan Ellis and Franklin Plummer to make the point that
A. people had strange names in the 1800s.
B. these two men, frontiersmen who identified with the common folk, typified the democratic-minded politician in the age of Jackson.
C. appealing to common folk was an effective campaign technique in an age that prized equality and opportunity.
D. Andrew Jackson was more a figurehead than a really influential leader.
Topic: The New Culture of Democracy
- (p. 207)To reconcile the fundamental tension between equality and opportunity, Americans in the final analysis committed to
A. equality of opportunity.
B. political equality, but economic inequality.
C. political means to achieve the end of equal economic conditions.
D. equality of condition for native-born whites by denying opportunity to blacks, Indians, and immigrants.
Topic: The New Culture of Democracy
- (p. 209-211)Which of the following was NOT an important characteristic of politics in the age of Jackson?
A. a dynamic expansion of presidential power and leadership
B. expanded political democracy and increased participation in politics
C. the acceptance of a party system as legitimate
D. end of the spoils system of filling public offices with political supporters
Topic: Jackson’s Rise to Power
Topic: The New Culture of Democracy
- (p. 210)As president, John Quincy Adams
A. took the lead in organizing a new political party to undergird his reelection campaign.
B. named Andrew Jackson as his secretary of state.
C. negotiated a series of key diplomatic agreements with several foreign powers.
D. proposed a broad program of support for manufacturing, agriculture, and the arts.
Topic: Jackson’s Rise to Power
- (p. 211)Which of the following statements concerning Jacksonian America is true?
A. Virtually all adult white males enjoyed the rights of suffrage.
B. Because political leaders had to appeal to an expanded electorate, campaigns became less boisterous and more focused on specific policy issues.
C. American society became more tolerant of Indian tribes.
D. Jackson tirelessly worked to abolish the spoils system.
Topic: Jackson’s Rise to Power
- (p. 208)In the presidential election of 1824,
A. John Quincy Adams won re-election to a second term.
B. the Whigs defeated the Democrats.
C. the House of Representatives chose the president, because no candidate received a majority of the popular vote.
D. Andrew Jackson was chosen by the House of Representatives.
Topic: The New Culture of Democracy
- (p. 211)Which of the following was a part of the new political party system of democracy?
A. the use of judicial oversight
B. the spoils system
C. campaigning in which the key issues were center stage
D. splitting of a state’s electoral votes to the presidential candidate who won that state
Topic: Jackson’s Rise to Power
- (p. 209)While the democratic winds of change blew all over the world during the 1830s and 1840s, only in one country were the reforms significant. This country was
A. Great Britain.
B. Prussia.
C. the United States.
D. France.
Topic: The New Culture of Democracy
- (p. 208)Public interest and involvement in politics grew in the U.S. after 1820 because of a growing
A. public support for equality of condition among all members of society.
B. conviction that government should promote the economic well-being of society.
C. disillusionment with the politics of personality.
D. fear of threats from abroad.
Topic: The New Culture of Democracy
- (p. 212)The process, championed by John Ross, whereby the Cherokees created a constitution, adopted white ways, and began selling their surplus crops was known as
A. accommodation.
B. acculturation.
C. acquiescence.
D. alliteration.
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