The Brief American Pageant A History Of The Republic, Volume I To 1877 9th Edition By David – Test Bank
Chapter 11—The Triumphs and Travails of the Jeffersonian Republic, 1800-1812
Identify and state the historical significance of the following:
1. Thomas Jefferson
ANS: Answers will vary.
REF: Federalist and Republican Mudslingers | The Jeffersonian “Revolution of 1800” | Responsibility Breeds Moderation | Jefferson: A Reluctant Warrior | The Louisiana Godsend | A Precarious Neutrality | The Hated Embargo
2. James Monroe
ANS: Answers will vary.
REF: The Louisiana Godsend
3. William Clark
ANS: Answers will vary.
REF: The Louisiana Godsend
4. Albert Gallatin
ANS: Answers will vary.
REF: The “Dead Clutch” of the Judiciary
5. Robert R. Livingston
ANS: Answers will vary.
REF: The Louisiana Godsend
6. Zebulon Pike
ANS: Answers will vary.
REF: The Louisiana Godsend
7. John Marshall
ANS: Answers will vary.
REF: The “Dead Clutch” of the Judiciary | The Aaron Burr Conspiracies
8. Napoleon Bonaparte
ANS: Answers will vary.
REF: The Louisiana Godsend | A Precarious Neutrality | A Precarious Neutrality | The Hated Embargo | Madison’s Gamble
9. Aaron Burr
ANS: Answers will vary.
REF: The Jeffersonian “Revolution of 1800” | The Aaron Burr Conspiracies
10. William Marbury
ANS: Answers will vary.
REF: The “Dead Clutch” of the Judiciary
11. James Madison
ANS: Answers will vary.
REF: The “Dead Clutch” of the Judiciary | Madison’s Gamble | Mr. Madison’s War
12. Tecumseh
ANS: Answers will vary.
REF: Tecumseh and the Prophet
13. Tenskwatawa (“the Prophet”)
ANS: Answers will vary.
REF: Tecumseh and the Prophet
14. Toussaint L’Ouverture
ANS: Answers will vary.
REF: The Louisiana Godsend
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