Traditions & Encounters A Brief Global History 4th Edition By Jerry Bentley – Test Bank
Chapter 11
The Expansive Realm of Islam
Multiple Choice Questions
- (p. 199)The Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca is known as the
A. hajj.
B. hijra.
C. qadis.
D. sharia.
E. jizya.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Topic: The Emergence of the Prophet Muhammad
- (p. 199)The term Islam means
A. “Allah is great.”
B. “devotion to the rule of life.”
C. “submission.”
D. “Allah desires for you what is easy, not what is hard.”
E. “the one god.”
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Topic: The Emergence of the Prophet Muhammad
- (p. 199)The phrase, “one who has submitted,” is the meaning of the term
A. Jain.
B. Christian.
C. Hindu.
D. Buddhist.
E. Muslim.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Topic: The Emergence of the Prophet Muhammad
- (p. 200)The phrase dar al-Islam means
A. “victory of god.”
B. “conquest of Islam.”
C. “warrior of Islam.”
D. “missionary of the divine faith.”
E. “house of Islam.”
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Topic: The Emergence of the Prophet Muhammad
- (p. 200)In 595, Muhammad married a wealthy widow named
A. Ibn Rushd.
B. Khadija.
C. Sufi.
D. Sharia.
E. Hadith.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Topic: The Emergence of the Prophet Muhammad
- (p. 201)The Quran
A. is the holy book of Islam.
B. were the priests who watched over the Ka’ba.
C. was Muhammad’s journey to Yathrib.
D. is the law code of Islam.
E. were Islamic scholarly bureaucrats.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Topic: The Emergence of the Prophet Muhammad
- (p. 202)The turning point in the rise of Islam was
A. Muhammad’s pilgrimage to Istanbul.
B. the rise of the Umayyad dynasty.
C. the conquest of Egypt.
D. the hijra.
E. Muhammad’s conversion to Christianity.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Topic: The Emergence of the Prophet Muhammad
- (p. 202)The Islamic holy law is known as the
A. umma.
B. sharia.
C. ulama.
D. qadis.
E. hijra.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Topic: The Emergence of the Prophet Muhammad
- (p. 204)No religious leader could succeed Muhammad as prophet, so political authority rested in the position of the
A. ulama.
B. caliph.
C. hajj.
D. sultan.
E. shia.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Topic: The Expansion of Islam
- (p. 204)After the death of Muhammad, political leadership fell to a caliph by the name of
A. Abu Bakr.
B. Ali.
C. Abu al-Abbas.
D. Harun al-Rashid.
E. Khadija.
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