Sol Y viento Beginning Spanish 3rd Edition By Bill VanPatten – Test Bank
CULTURA (Optativo)
- Answer the following questions based on what you have learned in the Vistazos culturales sections.
- Según la encuesta Mercer, ¿qué ciudad latinoamericana tiene la calidad de vida más alta?
- Buenos Aires
- Montevideo
- San Juan
- Los médicos desarrollaron el primer corazón artificial.
- argentinos
- costarricenses
- mexicanos
- En el mundo hispano es común comprar en las farmacias algunos medicamentos sin receta médica. ¿Cierto o falso?
- Answer the following questions based on what you have learned in the Panorama cultural section.
- La cultura que ha tenido mayor influencia en las culturas argentinas y uruguayas es la…
- europea.
- indígena.
- africana.
- El Uruguay es uno de los primeros países en hacer todo lo siguiente excepto…
- legalizar a nivel nacional la unión civil entre personas del mismo sexo.
- otorgarles a las mujeres el derecho al divorcio.
- elegir a una mujer como presidenta.
- otorgarles a las mujeres el derecho a votar.
- El neotango fusiona el tango tradicional con la música rock. ¿Cierto o falso?
- ¿Cómo se llama la extensión de llanuras que recorre (covers) grandes partes de la Argentina y el Uruguay?
D. Use a verb from column A and a phrase from column B to write four questions that you would ask your instructor to try to determine his or her personality.
confundir B
una conferencia de literatura
las normas (rules) de la universidad
los estudiantes que llegan siempre tarde
una persona que grita (shouts) y está siempre enojada
E. Think about the last time you had to stay home because you were sick. Choose three verbs from the list and write a short description of your symptoms, how you were feeling at the time, and so forth. Use vocabulary from the lesson (for example, body parts, health terms, and so forth).
doler estar padecer poder sentirse
F. Use hacer and the appropriate verb form (present, preterite, or imperfect) to answer the following questions.
1. How long ago did you start to study Spanish?
2. For how long have you been attending this university?
G. Write a paragraph (70 words minimum) about what used to bother you when you were younger and about what bothers or irritates you now. Include 1) five or more sentences about things that used to irritate you, 2) five or more sentences about what irritates you most now, and 3) two or more sentences comparing past and current irritations. Do the same things bother you now that used to bother you? Your paragraph will be graded based on content, grammar, accuracy, and completeness.
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