Psychology An Exploration 3rd Edition By Saundra – Test Bank
Chapter 11 – Quick Quiz 1
1. When one thinks of “value judgment” in relation to moral or ethical behavior, one is thinking about ____________.
a) soul c) temperament
b) character d) conscience
2. What is Freud’s term for the primitive side of personality?
a) preconscious c) superego
b) ego d) id
3. Jung believed that there were two levels to the unconscious mind, the personal and the ________.
a) collective c) anima
b) animus d) preconscious
4. You are about to undergo delicate brain surgery that requires great skill on the part of the surgeon. As the surgical team wheels you into the operating room, you hope the surgeon has a high level of _____.
a) ego c) self-efficacy
b) extraversion d) superego
5. What do Abraham Maslow’s and Carl Rogers’s theories have in common?
a) They are both stage theories.
b) They focus on unconscious motivation.
c) They both fit in the learning/cognitive perspective.
d) They believe that each human being is free to choose his or her own destiny.
6. What did Raymond Cattell call the underlying traits that direct surface traits?
a) source traits c) background traits
b) secondary traits d) subordinate traits
7. Adoption studies focusing on the heritability of traits have _____________.
a) disputed the findings of twin studies
b) been attacked for ethical reasons
c) confirmed what twin studies have shown
d) shown that twin studies have methods that need to be reexamined
8. Mary just received a traffic ticket but decided it is not worth being upset about. Mary just made a ________.
a) primary appraisal
b) secondary appraisal
c) stress-related decision
d) hassle-related decision
9. Probably the biggest problem with personality assessments by behaviorists is the _____.
a) observer effect
b) subject bias
c) experimenter bias
d) test bias
10. While taking the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Vince notices that it contains certain questions that are asked several times in different ways. He asks his daughter, who is a graduate student in psychology, why that is. What is his daughter likely to say?
a) Truly psychotic individuals expect to find “strange” items on tests.
b) Those items contain hidden content that is not apparent to normal people.
c) Some items are used to determine if test takers are trying to “fake” the test by not reading.
d) The MMPI contains a number of experimental items that are used in developing future versions of the test.
Chapter 11 – Quick Quiz 1
Answer Key
1. b Explanation: Character is value judgments of a person’s moral and ethical behavior and it
is part of but different from personality. (Topic: Perspectives on Personality, Remember the Facts, 2 – Moderate, LO 11.1 – Define personality and explain how the various perspectives in psychology view personality. APA=1.1)
2. d Explanation: The id is the primitive, biological side of personality. (Topic: The
Psychodynamic Perspective of Personality, Remember the Facts, 1 – Easy, LO 11.2
– Describe how Freud’s view of the mind and personality formed a basis for
psychodynamic theory. APA=1.2)
3. a Explanation: Jung believed that there were two levels to the unconscious mind, the
personal and the collective. (Topic: The Neo-Freudians and the psychodynamic
perspective, Remember the Facts, 1 – Easy, LO 11.3 – Explain how the neo-
Freudians modified Freud’s theory, and how modern psychodynamic theory differs
from that of Freud, APA=1.2)
4. c Explanation: Self-efficacy refers to one’s perception of how effective a behavior will be
in any particular circumstance and is related to confidence. (Topic: Learning Theories,
Apply What You Know, 2 – Moderate, LO 11.4 – Compare different learning
theories of personality, including the theories of Bandura and Rotter, APA=1.2, 1.3)
5. d Explanation: Both Maslow and Rogers believed in the concept of innate human freedom. (Topic: The Third Force: Humanism and Personality, Understand the Concepts, 3 –
Difficult, LO 11.6 – Describe how humanists such as Carl Rogers explain
personality, APA=1.2)
6. a Explanation: According to Cattell, source traits underlie surface traits. (Topic: Trait
Theories: Who Are You?, Remember the Facts, 1 – Easy, LO 11.8 – Define the trait
perspective and describe early attempts to use traits to conceptualize personality,
7. c Explanation: Adoption studies focusing on the heritability of traits report findings similar
to those of twin studies. (ANS: c, Remember the Facts, 1 – Easy, LO 11.10 – Explain how behavioral geneticists use twin and adoption studies to study personality, APA=1.2, 2.2)
8. a Explanation: A primary appraisal involves evaluating the level of stress or threat in a
situation. In this case, Mary decided the ticket was not very important. (Topic: The
Influence of Personality: Dealing with Stress and Life Challenges, Apply What You Know, 1 – Easy, LO 11.12 – Describe Lazarus’s two-step process of how people think about and appraise a stressor, APA=1.1, 1.3)
9. a Explanation: The observer cannot help but be subjective. (Topic: Assessment of
Personality, Remember the Facts, 1 – Easy, LO 11.14 – Identify the advantages and disadvantages of using interviews, behavioral assessments, and personality inventories, APA=2.4)
10. c Explanation: Repeating a certain question in different ways helps testers check for valid
answers. (Topic: Assessment of Personality, Apply What You Know, 3 – Difficult, LO 11.14 – Identify the advantages and disadvantages of using interviews, behavioral assessments, and personality inventories, APA=1.3, 2.4)
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