Marketing of High Technology Products and Innovations 3rd Edition by Jakki J. Mohr -Test Bank
Chapter 11: Marketing Communication Tools for High-Tech Markets
Mohr, Sengupta, Slater (3/e, 2010)
Test Bank
11-1 CPM stands for:
a. cost per million
b. cost per media
c. cost per thousand
d. cost per minute
e. none of the above
Answer: c Page: 376 Easy
11-2 Which of the following is not descriptive of the advertising and promotion pyramid?
a. the base of the pyramid has tools with a wider coverage of the target audience
b. the tools at the top of the pyramid have lower cost per contact than tools at the bottom
c. the pyramid implies a trade-off between coverage and cost per contact
d. the Internet can be used at all levels in the pyramid
e. the Internet as a communication tool in the pyramid is scalable and cost-efficient
Answer: b Page: 376 Moderate
11-3 Integrated marketing communications is:
a. the use of different promotional tools
b. a planned coordinated campaign
c. delivery of a clear, consistent message
d. for a target audience
e. all of the above
Answer: e Page: 376 Moderate
11-4 Public relations includes developing good will with the following stakeholders except:
a. employees
b. customers
c. community
d. government
e. industry trade associations
Answer: a Page: 377 Easy
11-5 Publicity can often be ____________ than media advertising.
a. less effective
b. more effective
c. less expensive
d. more credible
e. c and d
Answer: e Page: 377 Moderate
11-6 All of the following are true about net neutrality except:
a. Net neutrality is supported by Google
b. Net neutrality is the idea that all websites, content, and platforms should be treated equally for their broadband needs
c. Net neutrality is the same as the “tiers of service” perspective
d. Net neutrality is advocated by some of the telecom companies
e. None of the above
Answer: c Page: 378 Easy
11-7 When should small high-tech companies have their salespeople call on prospects?
a. always
b. never
c. once a month
d. only after the prospects have been contacted by using less expensive, broader-reaching tools.
e. none of the above
Answer: d Page: 378 Moderate
11-8 Internet advertising includes each of the following except:
a. paid search
b. display ads
c. superbowl ads
d. online classifieds
e. live banner ads
Answer: c Page: 380-381 Moderate
11-9 The idea behind ____________ is to ask customers or prospects to opt in to receive marketing messages based on their interests.
a. affiliate marketing
b. permission marketing
c. mobile marketing
d. one-to-one marketing
e. none of the above
Answer: b Page: 381 Easy
11-10 Display ads:
a. decrease brand awareness
b. decrease advertising awareness
c. decrease purchase intent
d. are better at increasing long-term brand-building rather than short-term sales
e. none of the above
Answer: d Page 380 Moderate
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