Life Span Development 15th Edition by John Santrock – Test Bank
Identify a challenge faced by adult smokers who are trying to quit.
Most adult smokers would like to quit, but their addiction to nicotine often makes quitting a challenge. Nicotine, the active drug in cigarettes, is a stimulant that increases the smoker’s energy and alertness, a pleasurable and reinforcing experience. Nicotine also stimulates neurotransmitters that have a calming or pain-reducing effect.
APA LO: 1.1
Bloom’s: Remember
Difficulty Level: Easy
Learning Objective: 13.2: Summarize physical development in young adults.
Topic: Substance use and abuse
What are the sexual patterns and desires of women when compared with men?
Compared with men, women are more likely to change their sexual patterns and desires. Women are more likely than men to have sexual experiences with same- and opposite-sex partners, even if they identify themselves strongly as being heterosexual or lesbian. Also, women are more likely than men to identify themselves as bisexual.
APA LO: 1.2
Bloom’s: Understand
Difficulty Level: Easy
Learning Objective: 13.3: Discuss sexuality in young adults.
Topic: Sources of sexual orientation
List two reasons that deaths due to HIV/AIDS have begun to decline in the United States.
Education and the development of effective drug treatments have reduced deaths due to HIV/AIDS in the United States.
APA LO: 1.3
Bloom’s: Remember
Difficulty Level: Easy
Learning Objective: 13.3: Discuss sexuality in young adults.
Topic: Sexually transmitted infections
What is postformal thought like in practice?
As young adults engage in more reflective judgment when solving problems, they might think deeply about many aspects of politics, their career and work, relationships, and other areas of life. They might understand that the best solution to a problem depends on the context or setting. Many young adults also become more skeptical about there being a single truth and often are not willing to accept an answer as final. They also often recognize that thinking cannot just be abstract but rather has to be realistic and pragmatic. Many young adults understand that emotions can play a role in thinking—for example, that they are likely to think more clearly when they are calm and collected than when they are angry and highly aroused.
APA LO: 1.2
Bloom’s: Understand
Difficulty Level: Medium
Learning Objective: 13.4: Characterize cognitive changes in early adulthood.
Topic: Postformal thought
Based on interviews with 12- to 22-year-olds, what were William Damon’s findings about adolescents’ and young adults’ sense of purpose?
In interviews with 12- to 22-year-olds, Damon found that only about 20 percent had a clear vision of where they wanted to go in life, what they wanted to achieve, and why. The largest percentage—about 60 percent—had engaged in some potentially purposeful activities, such as service learning or fruitful discussions with a career counselor—but, they still did not have a real commitment or any reasonable plans for reaching their goals. Slightly more than 20 percent expressed no aspirations, and in some instances said they did not see any reason to have aspirations.
APA LO: 1.2
Bloom’s: Understand
Difficulty Level: Medium
Learning Objective: 13.5: Explain the key dimensions of career and work in early adulthood.
Topic: Work
Discuss the impact of working while in college.
Working can pay or help offset some costs of schooling, but one national study found that, for those who identified themselves primarily as students, their grades suffered as the number of hours worked per week increased. Jobs also can contribute to one’s education. Many colleges in the United States offer cooperative (co-op) programs, which are paid apprenticeships in a field that one is interested in pursuing. Other useful opportunities for working while going to college include internships and part-time or summer jobs relevant to your field of study. Participating in these work experiences can be a key factor in landing the job you want when you graduate.
APA LO: 1.2
Bloom’s: Analyze
Difficulty Level: Hard
Learning Objective: 13.5: Explain the key dimensions of career and work in early adulthood.
Topic: Work during college
What are some of the physical and psychological effects of unemployment?
According to researchers Backhans & Hemmingsson, unemployment is related to physical problems (such as heart attack and stroke), mental problems (such as depression and anxiety), marital difficulties, and homicide. A 15-year longitudinal study of more than 24,000 adults conducted by Lucas & others in 2004 found that life satisfaction dropped considerably following unemployment and increased after becoming reemployed, but did not completely return to the life satisfaction level previous to being unemployed. A recent research review conducted by Roelfs & others in 2011 concluded that unemployment was associated with an increased mortality risk for individuals in the early and middle stages of their careers, but the increase was less pronounced for those who became unemployed late in their careers.
APA LO: 1.1
Bloom’s: Remember
Difficulty Level: Easy
Learning Objective: 13.5: Explain the key dimensions of career and work in early adulthood.
Topic: Unemployment
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