Career Information Career Counseling And Career Development 11th Edition By Brown – Test Bank
Multiple Choice
1. Which of the following has NOT been identified as a deficiency of the trait and factor approach to assessment?
a. Clients are placed in a dependent role
b. Clients’ ability to self-assess is not strengthened
c. T & F emphasizes finding a career that “fits” rather than actively involving clients in an active search for a career
d. T & F advocates have not been concerned about test bias
2. Which of the following distinguishes between tests and inventories?
a. Inventories are measures of optimal performance while tests measure typical or average performance
b. Inventories have lower reliability coefficients
c. Tests are usually time limited and inventories are not
d. Most inventories are self-scored
3. Qualitative assessment devices
a. Are interpreted ideographically
b. Eliminate dialectic barriers to interpretation
c. Are typically interpreted more subjectively
d. a & c above
4. Which of the following does not qualify as a qualitative assessment device?
a. Genogram
b. Personality inventory
c. Card sort
d. Role playing
5. The chief difference between values and needs is:
a. Needs are more difficult to measure
b. Values are more likely to be determinants of behavior
c. Values are learned; needs are not
d. Values and needs are essentially the same
6. Which of the following is LEAST LIKELY to be a source of bias in the assessment process?
a. The content of the device
b. Motivation on the part of the client
c. Language
d. The counselor’s attitude
7. In the area of test interpretation, which of the following is most likely to be true?
a. Some approaches to test interpretation are better than others according to research
b. Clients prefer individual interpretation to group interpretation, but in terms of what is learned, individual interpretation is not superior
c. Clients prefer individual interpretation to other approaches and it is better when considering what clients learn
d. Clients prefer group interpretation of some types of tests and inventories and individual interpretation of inventories that contain sensitive material
8. Tinsley and Bradley stress that perhaps the essential aspect of test interpretation is
a. Integrating results with other data
b. Checking on past test results
c. Going over the technical weaknesses of the instruments
d. Softening “bad news”
9. The Internet is potentially a valuable tool in the assessment process. Of the following uses of the Internet, which one seems to have the least potential for use with tests?
a. Test selection
b. Orientation to testing
c. Test administration
d. Test interpretation
10. Many of the constructs of interest to career counselors such as interests, values, and self-efficacy can be assessed quantitatively or qualitatively. Which of the following constructs has received the greatest attention in the last few years by people interested in qualitative assessment?
a. Values
b. Needs
c. Self-efficacy
d. Decision-making style
Multiple Choice Answers
1. B
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. C
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