Looking Out Looking In 14th Edition B y Ronald B. Adler – Test Bank
1. Research has shown that strong marriages manage conflict in constructive ways.
Answer: T Type: T Page: 348 Knowledge
2. Destructive fights often start because the initiator confronts a partner who isn’t ready for a confrontation.
Answer: T Type: T Page: 366 Knowledge
3. Interdependence must exist between two parties in order for a conflict to exist.
Answer: T Type: T Page: 347 Knowledge
4. A conflict can exist only when both parties are aware of a disagreement.
Answer: T Type: T Pages: 346-347 Knowledge
5. One key to the win-win approach to conflict resolution is to look for the single best solution at the beginning of your conversation.
Answer: F Type: T Pages: 367-368 Comprehension
6. The text says that “stopping and counting to ten” applies to win-win problem solving.
Answer: T Type: T Page: 365 Analysis
7. As long as one person in the relationship is aware of the disagreement, a conflict exists.
Answer: F Type: T Pages: 346-347 Knowledge
8. The win-win approach to conflict resolution requires parties to reach a solution through compromise.
Answer: F Type: T Pages: 354-357 Comprehension
9. With enough skill you should be able to use win-win problem solving successfully in almost any conflict.
Answer: F Type: T Pages: 368-369 Knowledge
10. When people express hostility in obscure ways, “passive aggression” occurs.
Answer: T Type: T Page: 353 Knowledge
11. A full-fledged conflict will not occur unless the individuals involved try to prevent one another from achieving their goals.
Answer: T Type: T Page: 347 Comprehension
12. Direct aggression is described as physical attacks and swearing, but does not include teasing or nonverbal gestures.
Answer: F Type: T Page: 352 Knowledge
13. Gender is the most important variable in determining conflict style.
Answer: F Type: T Pages: 362-363 Knowledge
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